Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Landers Broadcasting Network

A New Era in Martial Arts Training!
LIVE ONE-ON-ONE Private Instruction
 A Web Cam and High Speed connection is all you need to get started!
For the first time in Martial Art media history, The Landers Broadcasting Network makes it possible for Martial Artists from across the globe, with a Computer, High Speed Internet Service, and a Web Cam, can log into our site @ LBN to take Private Lessons in the comfort of home with world renowned Martial Artist, Mr. Frank Landers, 10th Degree Black Belt, founder of the International Seishindo Kenpo System, and appointed Senior Grand Master of the Javier Eskrima Family Fighting Art by the late Great Grand Master Isidro P. Javier.
At Mr. Landers’ side is his wife of 27 years, Professor Cathy Landers, 5th Degree Black Belt and daughter of the late Manong Isidro P. Javier.

The mission of LBN is to utilize the magic of the internet, create a powerful Multi-Camera Broadcasting System, Streaming LIVE Video World-Wide, Broadcasting from our state-of-the-art studio, Delivering HD Quality Martial Art Content to those who wish to broaden their overall skills as a Martial Artist. Mr. Landers is here to help you increase your knowledge base about Concepts, Principles and Ideas of Motion and Action.

Getting Started: (Membership and Private Lessons are "PRIVATE" - We at LBN will never release the names of our Members - No one will know you are training at LBN unless you post it!)
Our Members are PRIVATE!
1. Become a member of LBN Private Members Area.
2. Check Calendar for available teaching times.
3. Request available Date and Time for instruction.
4. Enter Pay-Per-View.
5. Fill form in with all information Requested.
6. Request your Lesson Plan - YOU Choose The Lesson Plan and What You Want To Learn.
7. Logon to LBN at the date and time you have scheduled your Private Session.
8. Point your Computer webcam at yourself and begin.

That's It! Your Now ready to begin your Private Lessons

Mr. Frank Landers is an expert Martial Artist with over 45+ years experience in the Martial Art Science of Empty Hand Defense, Full Contact Ring Strategies, Street Combat Defense, Sport Fighting Competition, Asian Weapons and the Filipino Martial Arts of Eskrima.

For the first time Martial Artists with a minimum of 5 years of consistent training, and having achieved the rank of Black Belt level or equivalent in their respective Martial Arts, may request Private one-on-one sessions with Mr. Landers through Pay-Per-View. 
HD LIVE Streaming without ever Leaving Home!
Regardless of what style of Martial Arts you practice, training with a highly qualified instructor like Mr. Landers will only enlighten and broaden your Spirit, Mind, Body, and Skills.

LBN focuses on high quality Martial Arts Instruction, reaching out to Martial Artists around the world.

LBN offers a fresh new look at how the Instructors of the future will be interacting with their long-distance students.

LBN is committed to advancing Martial Arts ideas through communicating over the internet, enlightening minds, conveying powerful ideas and educating Martial Artists. Once only a dream because of great distances, it is now possible to train with great Martial Arts Masters. NOW through the internet, dedicated Martial Artists will be able to Realize their Dreams.

LBN is committed to delivering Martial Arts with a focus on Ethics, Values and Morals, giving all Martial Artist an opportunity to experience learning from an instructor that has dedicated his life enlightening others to the fascinating world of Martial Arts.

 "Training With The Masters"
Hosted by, Frank Landers
Martial Arts Sr. Grand Master, 10th Degree Black Belt

Another first from LBN will be LIVE Group Seminars hosted by Mr. Landers. This revolutionary new concept in Seminar Presentation now allows Martial Arts enthusiasts from across the globe the unique opportunity of participating in a Seminar in real time, watching and interacting as a Group of Multiple Viewers. 
Mr. Landers will also feature an incredible list of guest Martial Art instructors from other Disciplines, drawing upon his 45 + years experience and long friendships with some of the greatest Martial Artists in America. 
NOW you will be able to join with Mr. Landers in this ground-breaking new concept, "Training With The Masters". There will be guest interviews featuring these Legendary Martial Arts Masters, all Live Streaming and un-cut, right to your computer anywhere you have a High Speed Internet Connection!

 There is More!

 Daily FREE LIVE Broadcast
Workout Schedule -  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Twice Daily - 7:00-8:00AM and 6:00-7:00PM.
 Any one who aspires to achieve great physical conditioning through martial arts can log on to LBN and view Grand Master Landers and Professor Cathy Landers in real time, as they go through their twice-daily regimen of endurance, cardio training and light weight development for body strength, speed and endurance.
The Landers, using traditional Eskrima moves with a Stick and Knife have developed a New Workout Routine called “?”, backed with a music beat and a lot of drive, this routine is designed to develop body conditioning, speed, timing, and accuracy.
Martial Arts is a way of life. It is not just working out and training; it is about health and well-being. Join with the Landers in learning their secrets of nutrition and proper diet. There will be great recipes prepared right on camera, featuring mouth-watering dishes from Cathy Landers’ private collection, and special recipes from Manong Isidro P. Javier’s secret cook-book.

 Be on the good side of health and well-being!
Enjoy a super workout Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Twice Daily - 7:00-8:00AM and 6:00-7:00PM.

A True Martial Artist Trains for; Spirit, Mind & Body Conditioning!
Train For Health - Train For Truth - Train For Life
Workout Schedule -  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Twice Daily - 7:00-8:00AM and 6:00-7:00PM.

LBN   Excellence in Broadcasting


Glen Rathbone, The Writer


  1. Glen, my name is Russ Halgren. I was a friend of your brother Dennis. We were students at the same school (Tumon Jr-Sr School) and we were members of the same Boy Scout Troop on Guam. This is a surprise to me that while searching the web that I could actually find any reference to Dennis. I rember Dennis with his military ordance displays during Boy Scout meetings that were better than the Navy's during their display's. I knew through my Dad that there was a big WarII battle on Guam. And thats where my intrest in WWII began. I still read books today about the war. Dennis brought a certin reallity to me about the war. I sill a hand grenade that Dennis disarmed and later gave to me because of my intrest of the war on Guam. Prior to the day he died he asked me if I wanted to help him disarm the mortar shell that he told me he had found. I told him I wanted to be there and help him disarm the motar. However my mother did not let me go to be with Dennis that day because my Dad was due to return from Navy deployment that day. Our famliy arrived on Guam 11/60 and we left 11/63, my Dad was attached to VAP 61 at NAS Agana and we lived at 108 N Steer NAS Agans. This was the first personel tragety that I experienced. I think about Dennis whenever I think about my times on Guam and look at my school year book with a dedecated page in memorian to Dennis and WWII ordance.

  2. Hello...I was out of town on vacation and just read this now...Yes, it has been over 50 years since Denny was killed trying to unload that mortar shell. It was December 29, and he got up before me, asked me if I wanted to go with him....had the shell tucked under his shirt...I didn't want to get dressed...that was the last time I saw him. I heard the explosion but for some reason I didn't make the connection...thought it was construction or something. A neighbor came around the back of the house and I said hello...she looked at me and said, "How can you smile?" I didn't know what she meant...She said, "How can you smile?" again. Then she said "Your brother was killed today!" I ran around to the front of the house just as the Governor of Guam, Gov. Daniels came roaring up with his police escort. He took me inside to our bedroom where he made me show him all the "stuff". We had a land mine and some bazooka rockets under the house...Why I didn't go with Denny that morning I don't know....God knows I would have been right on top of it too...There was a major campaign by the Navy and Air force to clear out ordinance from civilian homes as a result of that event. Guam, as you know, was covered with WWII relics and we kids were all over the island looking for souvenirs. When we found live ordinance we unloaded it ourselves. My parents were very afraid and concerned about what we were doing, tried to stop us, but we would sneak out on a Saturday or Sunday and plow into the jungle...didn't have to go far...I appreciate hearing from you Russ,and hope all is well with you and your family.
