Thursday, August 18, 2011

Long Beach Internationals "Stick & Blade Competition" - 2011

 It was off to Long Beach California on July 22nd to attend the prestigious Long Beach International Martial Arts Karate Tournament, which was founded over forty years ago by Ed Parker.
This year, At the request of the tournament's Executive Producer, Steve Cooper, Grand Master Frank Landers was appointed Event Director for the Filipino Martial Arts Division (FMA).

Working with him was Professor Cathy Landers who was appointed Event Coordinator (FMA). Everything went smoothly, and everyone was a winner.

There was stick and blade competition, as well as forms competition, and everyone had a great time. Grand Master Frank Landers and Professor Cathy Landers were assisted by Antonio Lucero and his wife, Delfina, and Grand Master Vincent Cabales was there to lend his support, and provided some judging for the events.

Grand Master Vincent Calales - Grand Master Frank Landers & Delfina Lucero Judging Forms/Carenza Division.
Carenza Division

 All went well, a successful day for the FMA competition.


I saw a familiar face, Grand Master Eric Lee, the “KIng of Kata”, someone who has become a good friend.

I made some new acquaintances with long time friends of Mr. Landers.

Grand Master Bob White, Grand Master Ted Tabura, Master David Brock, Master Michael P. Stone, and Master Kidd D. Jason.

Grand Master Ted Tabura - Grand Master Frank Landers

Grand Master Gilbert Velez - Grand Master Bob White - Grand Master Frank Landers & Glen Rathbone

Master David Brock - Grand Master Frank Landers

I had a talk with Kidd D. Jason, who remembered Grand Master Frank Landers from the early 70's, as his inspiration to study the weapons art.

Mr. Jason was amazed at the demonstration by Mr. Landers in which Mr. Landers cut cucumbers on the bodies of three students with a razor-sharp samurai sword....all while blindfolded in 1977!

In the evening finale, we watched finals competition in Sparring and Kata, and finally, it was my great honor to introduce Grand Master Vincent Cabales as new inductee into the World Masters Hall of Fame.

Grand Master Vincent Cabales - Grand Master Frank Landers - Master Kidd D. Jason

Also inducted that evening was Kidd D. Jason, a Martial Artist who has dedicated himself to the art and like Grand Master Vincent Cabales, well deserving of this recognition. Congratulations to both!

A great day and good time for everyone...A special “well done” to Grand Master Frank Landers and Professor Cathy Landers for their contribution to the FMA division of the Long Beach Internationals.

Glen "The Writer" Rathbone

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr. Rathbone,

    I understand your father, Tom Rathbone, ran Achievement House in San Luis Obispo, CA back in 1964. I am looking for the man that ran it just prior to your father.

    I was adopted as a baby in 1963 and have recently found my maternal birth family. They live in San Luis Obispo, Los Osos, Santa Maria and Sunnyvale, CA. I have reason to believe that my birthfather was the executive director at Achievement House in 1962.

    I realize this is quite a long shot contacting you and I apologize for potentially intruding upon your privacy. If you have any information you might be able to share I'd be incredibly grateful.

    Debbie Glovatsky
    Minneapolis, MN
