Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Frank Landers Labor Day Party!

Sunday September 2, 2012, A trip to Stockton, CA. for an informal gathering of friends at Martial Art Grand Master Frank Landers, and Professor Cathy Landers’ home, and a great time!

 It was an impressive group of Grand Masters, Masters, and Celebrity entertainers, some from as far away as Riverside, Los Angles and San Diego, and I was honored to be able to conduct interviews throughout the day with some of these great Masters who lived the “Golden Age” of Martial Arts in America.

Martial Arts Guest in Attendance:

Martial Arts Grand Master:
* Eric Lee
* Athen Nelson
* Brian Breye
* Michael Stone
* Jackie Cotton
* Gary Amen
* Byron Mantack

Martial Arts Master:
* Mustafa Gatdula
* Lisette Laboy
* Kidd D. Jason
* Mike Replogle
* Robin Taberna
* Hank Del La Vega
* Thomas Yu
* Wade Williams

Also present were:
* Nathan Leblanc: Martial Arts Master and 1970‘s World Champion Body Builder and personal trainer to the Landers.

* Frank Manafesto: 1970‘s World Champion Body Builder and personal trainer to the Landers.

* Harry Mok: Actor, Director and Martial Arts Master.

* Rodney Franklin: World renowned Jazz pianist, entertainer and Martial Arts Master.

The wives and other friends joined in the fun with great food prepared by Cathy Landers, and lots of story telling from the “OLD‘ Guys.

American Martial Arts History is a national treasure worth preserving, and it is through the efforts of the Landers that this history is being gathered.

Frank Landers - Jackie Cotton - Gary Amen - Byron Mantack
Michael Stone - Jackie Cotton
Robin Tabrena - Gary Amen - Frank Manifesto - Byron Mantack - Thomas Yu - Eric Lee
Lisette Laboy - Wade Williams - Anna Williams - Thomas Yu
Harry Mok - Gary Amen - Frank Landers - Janis De La Vega
As a writer it is my honor and privilege to be part of this work, and it has been fascinating listening to stories from “Back in the Day”.

Robin Taberna - Eric Lee - Harry Mok
The Replogles

The Landers went “LIVE” on their show, LandersTV.com, their own creation dedicated to the promotion of Martial Arts, to introduce all the guests present.

LIVE on Landers TV. com

During the show an important announcement was made by GM Gary Amen, who traveled from San Diego, CA. along with GM Byron Mantack, representing the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame.

Gary Amen & Byron Mantack

GM Gary Amen, an Ambassador for the USA Martial arts Hall of Fame, read into record the induction of:
* Great Grand Master Isidro P. Javier - "Filipino Martial Arts Pioneer"
* Grand Master Eric Lee - "Martial Arts Legend"
* Senior Grand Master Frank Landers - "Martial Arts Legend"

The show wrapped up with demonstrations by:
GM Gary Amen, GM Byron Mantack, Thomas Yu, and our hosts GM Frank Landers and Prof. Cathy Landers.

Everyone talked late into the evening, and sleeping bags were laid out on the floor for some who chose to stay the night.

Janis & Hank De La Vega
Having Fun!
Kidd D. Jason
I listened to the "old timers" remark about how it reminded them of the times they would travel to tournaments and camp out in somebody’s studio, home, or one person would get a room at a hotel and everyone would pile in; it was just like the good old days.

Many thanks to the Landers for their hospitality to all of us, and many thanks for all that they are doing to continually work for the advancement of Martial Arts around the world.

Glen Rathbone, The Writer

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Isidro P. Javier (5-10-1912 - 8-18-2010)

August 18, 2012 marks the second anniversary of the passing of Manong Isidro P. Javier, Great Grand Master of Filipino Martial Arts and Eskrima Pioneer.
It seems like only yesterday that we, the “four travelers” were on the road to another tournament, Martial Arts Grand Master Frank Landers, Professor Cathy Landers, Manong Javier, and Me; “The Writer”.
But time has a way of slipping past when you’re not looking, and it’s now two years gone as fast as a blink.
It makes one want to pause for a breath, that life could go on so quickly, but time knows no master, leaving us to do the best with what we have and to appreciate the time we were given with family and friends now past.
I knew Manong Javier for only a short while, but he has left a lasting impression that will remain with me for the rest of my life. Only a few people manage to live such long and accomplished lives as he did, which is why it is important for his story to be told. Some may think his only life was as a Master of a great fighting art, but there is so much more of his journey that the public has yet to learn, and that is why Martial Arts Grand Master Frank Landers and Professor Cathy Landers are working so hard to keep Javier's legacy alive. My part is only to write the words, to relate the history of a man who’s presence is still being felt, but I also remember him not only as a great man, but also as a great friend.

May you rest in peace my friend.
Glen Rathbone